About VCTV
Founded in 1991, CH-VCTV (Valemount Community Television) is a not-for-profit community TV station located in Valemount, British Columbia, Canada. We operate as a public service provided by the Valemount Entertainment Society and its volunteer Board of Directors. VCTV airs locally over-the-air on Channel 7, and is also carried across Canada on Channel 653 on the Bell and Telus satellite networks. Using a rooftop antenna, or an indoor antenna, VCTV can be received by most residents in Valemount and the immediate area at no charge. VCTV broadcasts daily from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm.

About VES
The Valemount Entertainment Society (VES) was formed in 1987 to provide television and radio service to the village of Valemount, BC and the immediate area. VES is a registered not-for-profit BC society, managed by a volunteer Board of Directors. VES currently rebroadcasts four radio stations: Rock 101 Vancouver (94.5 FM), CISN Edmonton (98.5 FM), B-100 Kamloops (102.5 FM), and CBC Music Vancouver (107.5 FM). VES rebroadcasts 10 digital television stations (see chart to the left). VES also operates CH-VCTV, a community television station. All of the television signals are transmitted over-the-air and can be received using a rooftop or indoor antenna. There is no direct charge for the service, it is funded through property taxation by the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George.
Our Story
How We Got Started
Yaaaarrrr, we be pirates here! Well, we were, once upon a time…Valemount is a small village, too small for cable companies. And there be no Netflix when we got started in the 1980’s! So, back then a few scurvy knaves, er, “adventurers” decided to put up a satellite dish and see if they could “find” any TV channels floating on the sea of signals. And they did! And once they found them, they wanted more! So then they got all the paperwork filed to make things on the up and up. And that be the truth, mateys.
Plans For The Future
VCTV is currently broadcasting in analog. And we’re jealous; all of VES’ other channels are digital! Have no fear, though, VCTV is currently planning a conversion to crystal-clear digital. Also coming in 2022 is Channel 7, with five new digital channels! Watch for the exciting changes!

Become a VCTV Volunteer Today
VCTV is YOUR community TV station. We report the news, sports, events, and activities happening in Valemount and the surrounding area. VCTV is always looking for volunteers and we provide FREE training in camera operation, editing, reporting, writing, directing, and producing. Don’t just watch TV, make it! And if you have an idea for a TV show of your own that you’d like to create, we provide FREE access to equipment, the VCTV studio, and training and mentoring to help you produce it. Contact us to get started today!
Bringing TV And Radio
To Valemount Since 1987
National TV Awards
Digital TV Channels
FM Radio Stations
Community TV. For the news that matters most. Yours.
VCTV is one of only 9 independent community TV stations in all of Canada.
We pride ourselves on creating quality local television and on making it
available locally over-the-air on Channel 7 and across Canada on Channel 653
on the Bell and Telus satellite networks.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Have questions about volunteering with VCTV, or want to produce your own TV show? We’d love to help.