“At the end of the day it’s not about what you
have or even what you’ve accomplished… it’s
about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made
better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”
VCTV is YOUR community TV station! If you have an
idea for a TV show of your own that you’d like to
create, we provide FREE access to equipment, FREE
access to the VCTV studio, and FREE training and
mentoring to help you produce it!

Train For A Career, Or For Fun
Maybe you don’t want to create your own TV show. Maybe you want to train in one or more of the many the many careers that TV production has to offer. Or maybe you just want to learn to make better videos on your own. We can show you how. For FREE! VCTV provides FREE training in camera operation, editing, reporting, writing, directing, and producing.

Learn the skills required to be an on-camera journalist: researching, writing, hosting, interviewing, and much more!

Get the award-winning shots! Learn camera, lighting and sound from a professional with over 23 years of television, film, and video production experience.

Editing for TV or video is much more than just learning how to use editing software. Editing is a craft and an art. Learn how the pros structure stories.

Having a great idea is one thing. Turning that idea into awesome content for TV and video takes skill and experience. Let us show you how!
Become a VCTV Volunteer Today!
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Have questions about volunteering with VCTV, or want to produce your own TV show? We’d love to help.